Per coloro che vogliono lavorare o studiare direttamente su modelli scansionati 3D di volti, qui potete fare il download di alcune delle risorse di modelli resi disponibili in rete, volti scansionati 3D pronti all’uso, completi dei vari shader.
Head 3D scan and textures Pre-Intergrated Skin maps
3D scan and all the textures including the Pre-Intergrated Skin maps
3D Model in Zbrush (Head.ZTL)
Skin Shading in Unity
Unreal Engine 4
OBJ(.obj), Autodesk FBX (.fbx)
3D Scan Head Man Free 3D model
Texture: Head Scan ZTL with all subdivision levels and Diffuse colour map
Level 2 frozen OBJ with Normal and colour maps
Level 3 frozen OBJ with Normal and Colour maps
Decimated high res OBJ with colour map
Pre-Integrated Skin Shader maps
Level 2 frozen OBJ with Normal and colour maps
Level 3 frozen OBJ with Normal and Colour maps
Decimated high res OBJ with colour map
Pre-Integrated Skin Shader maps
The Wikihuman Project: HEAD MODEL + TEXTURE MAP
3D scan and all the textures including the Pre-Intergrated Skin maps
Model: The model is provided in Alembic format and OBJ format.
Skin Shading, Reference images in EXR format
Maya scene file, Alembic Scene, 3Ds Max Scene ( 2014 ),
Render: V-Ray 3.0 for Maya
3D Scan Head Man Free 3D model
The Wikihuman project is a collaborative by the members of the Digital Human League to advance the study of digital humans. For more information on the Wikihuman project, please visit their blog at
3D Scan Modo Scene with Model and Shader
Model: Modo scene complete with functioning light and SSS setup
Skin Shading, Reference images in EXR format
Modo 801 – Require modo content installed
SSS maps, Subdermal, epidermal and Lower Dermal colour and control maps, Reflection maps, Specular, Reflection and roughness maps
OBJ Level 4 export from Zbrush
3D Scan Head Man Free 3D model fo Modo 801
Licence: Private use and testing only (see our terms and conditions) if you wish to use this model for a commercial project please get in touch with us
Default Infinite, 3D Head Scan and Sculpt
3D Default Infinite, 3D Head Scan and Sculpt
Infinite-Realities® released the Infinite head scan back in 2010. Under the creative commons license. It was the first head scan of it’s type to be released publicly. It’s since been downloaded over 100,000 times and used in 100’s of on-line publications, published in research papers, used in demos, used in real-time experiments and simulations. It’s also since been integrated into Epic’s UE4 engine, as well as used in Crytek in house engine for testing purposes.
Skin Shading and3 D Model
OBJ Level 4 export from Zbrush
3D Scan Head Man
Infinite-Realities Director Lee Perry-Smith created a 3D scan of his head. Morgan McGuire and Guedis Cardenas at Williams College converted the displacement file from .tif to 16-bit .png and created created a low resolution version of the bump map. We set up the .mtl file’s texture maps, painted the bump map so that it is seamless at the back of the head, and adjusted the default glossy highlight to better simulate a 3D head.