Hi Guys, here you can find high-quality 3D models resources ready to download selected for 3DArtist, 3D Scan of Man and Woman Character in the 3d free download models to use in your project.
Please Enjoy it!

3d scan man Free 3D model

3D Scan Man Free 3D Model
3D Studio Max 2015 (.max) 37.2 MB
OBJ(.obj) (2 files)
Autodesk FBX (.fbx) 8.58 MB
Renderer: Corona Renderer 1,6
Textures 7.14 MB,
Materials, UV Mapping
Tag: athlete character guy jeans male man nike people pose scanned sneakers sportst shirt
3D Scan Man Free 3D model




Free 3D People

Free 3D People
3D Studio Max, ArchiCad, Atlantis, SketchUp
Cinema 4D (129mb)
Autodesk FBX (.fbx) 
Tag: 3D Scan Woman and Man Free 3D model, Bussines, Free 3D People Models




Free 3D People Rigged for Maya and C4D Rigged

Free 3D People Rigged
3D Studio Max
Cinema 4D
Unreal Engine 4
OBJ(.obj), Autodesk FBX (.fbx)
Tag: 3D Scan Woman and Man Free 3D model Rigged, Bussines, Free 3D People Rigged in Maya and C4D
Renderer: Corona Renderer, Octane, VRay
Materials, UV Mapping



3D Characters by Threedio

3D Characters by Threedio

600+ 3D Characters and Models for motion design in .FBX format. Download 3D FBX images and pictures for Blender, Unreal Engine, Unity, and Cinema 4D.

Available formats: .FBX.
Consistent and optimized pack of 3D characters.

FBX with textures, included maps: base, metallic, roughness, and specular.
15 downloads per month cost $3.00/model after.

Threedio also offers 3D scenes where you can place the models and characters.





Free Rigged 3D Woman – CWom0019HD2CS

3D Default Infinite, 3D Head Scan and Sculpt

Full Body & Hand (SKIN modifier) ready to be animated using either traditional keyframe animation or MOCAP data.
POLYGONS: 50000, BONUS: Mocap File
3DS Max Biped using SKIN modifier, Models are compatible with 3DS Max 2010 or above
RIGGED: Yes, Texture: 4K High quality Maps, Materials: Mental Ray and VRay ready
3D Scan Head Man

You may freely use this 3D model as long as you mention that this AXYZ Design 3D Model is downloaded from CGriver.com within the work or its description.

Rigged 3D Woman with 50000 polygons for Body, Clothing, Hair, Mouth, Teeth and Tongue meshes. The level of detail can be controlled by changing the number of iterations on the TurboSmooth modifier.


3D Characters Free VR / AR / low-poly 3D model

3D Characters Free VR / AR / low-poly 3D model

3D Characters and Models free low-poly 3d model ready for Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), games and other real-time apps.

Available formats: 3D Studio Max (.max)– (6.19 MB)

3DS Max Biped using SKIN modifier, Models are compatible with 3DS Max 2010 or above
Royalty Free License allows you to use the product without the need to pay royalties or other license fees for multiple uses, per volume sold, or some time period of use or sales. Products published with this licence may not be sold, given, or assigned to another person or entity in the form it is downloaded from the site, but can be used in your commercial projects multiple times after paying for it just once, for more information click here >>>


Mei Woman office clothes holding folder Free model

Mei Woman office clothes holding folder Free 3D model

Available formats:

  • Cinema 4D (.c4d) 164 MB
  • OBJ (.obj) (4 files)
  • ArchiCAD (.gsm) 9.97 MB
  • PDF (.pdf) (5 files)
  • Autodesk FBX (.fbx) 187 MB
  • 3D Studio Max (.max) 171 MB
  • Material Libraries (.mat)171 MB
  • Artlantis (.atl, .atla, .atlo)179 MB
  • Sketchup (.skp)
>>> Download Womand 3D scan Model

Highly detailed 3D scans, optimized ratio of fileweight and appearance
Two levels of detail available: 100k and 30k polygons

MESH RESOLUTION: 100k & 30k | Triangulated
UV: UV unwrapped and UV mapped
TEXTURE MAPS: Diffuse-, Normal- & Alpha maps 8k Resolution
JPG & TIFF Format

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