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Advanced Glass Shader in Cycles

Blenderiani, diamo un’occhiata a questo tutorial: Advanced Glass Shader in Cycles in Blender 2.8 Tutorial condiviso da Creative Shrimp (original article).

Simulare uno shader di vetro con caustiche avanzate in Cycles può essere noioso per la sua complessità. In questo tutorial di Blender, esploreremo alcune fantastiche soluzioni alternative!

Come creare il materiale di vetro in Cycles?

In questo tutorial, esploreremo suggerimenti e i trucchi per creare un materiale di vetro avanzato in Cycles. Per poter seguire il tutorial, è necessaria una scheda video decente.

In the tutorial topics covered:

2:18 – Setting up Blender
6:05 – Adding HDRi Environment
8:18 – Refraction & Dispersion
15:53 – Reflection
18:34 – Subsurface Scattering and Translucency
21:05 – Absorption (Ray length)
24:22 – Fake Caustics in Cycles
30:47 – Volume Shader
32:49 – Roughness
37:06 – Speed-up Hack
39:30 – Final Tweaks

Advanced Glass Shader in Cycles – Blender 2.8 Tutorial

Download Glass Shader in Cycles

Advanced Glass in Blender – Tutorial Highlights

Here interesting links Shader in Cycles resources:

Creating a Dispersion Shader in Cycles (CGC Weekly #17)

Absorption in Cycles by Gottfried Hofmann

Rendering Caustics in Blender with appleseed by Gottfried Hofmann

Cycles Spectral Rendering on BlenderArtists

Gemstone Shader Breakdown by Anthony Pilon

Christoph S. @AlphaX_ on Twitter

Introduction to SPPM (Stochastic Progressive Photon Mapping)






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