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Cinema4D & Turbulence FD Tutorial

Ciao ragazzi, date un occhiata a questo tutorial su come usare il particellare di fumo in Cinema 4D usando Turbulence FD. Nella scena 3d possiamo andare a giocare con oggetti 3d che interaggiscono con particelle di fumo, andando a creare un effetto molto suggestivo.

In questo tutorial diviso in due parti vedremo come interagire fumo ed elementi 3d usando Cinema 4D e Turbulence FD, tutorial by Roger Kilimanjaro.

Come animare oggetti 3d in una simulazione di fumo?

Turn any 3d object into smoke – Part 1
Cinema4D & Turbulence FD Tutorial

Turn any 3d object into smoke – Part 2

TurbulenceFD‘s simulation pipeline implements a voxel-based solver based on the incompressible Navier Stokes equations. That means it uses a voxel grid to describe the volumetric clouds of smoke and fire and solves the equations that describe the motion of fluid on that grid.

For each voxel TurbulenceFD calculates the velocity of the fluid as well as several channels to describe properties like temperature, smoke density, amount of fuel, etc. This simulation process produces a voxel grid for each frame, which is cached on disk for use by the Volumetric Renderer.

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