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Download free assets from Unity

Non perdetevi questa risorsa rilasciata da Unity Technologies ‘Download free assets from Unity’, potete scaricare l’Environment di “Book of the Dead”, inclusi modelli rocce, alberi, erba, alcuni tratti dalla libreria dei Megascans di Quixel.

Scarica gratuitamente alberi, erba e rocce: alcuni dei Megascans e altri creati appositamente.

Gli Environment assets, resi diponibili per il download, sono un misto di scansioni dalla libreria di Megascans di Quixel, oltre ad altri modelli modellati e texturizzati,  prodotte dal team di Quixel e Unity per il progetto.

Il download gratuito della risorsa, racchiude all’interno di un progetto Unity, già pronto su un sistema di scattering atmosferico personalizzato e un vertex shader personalizzato per effetti di vento animati proceduralmente.

Book Of The Dead: Environment for FREE

The package includes:
– Environment art assets scanned by Quixel, coming either from the Megascans library or produced exclusively for this demo.
– Environment art assets produced by the Demo team using photogrammetry.
– Environment scene, setup using the HD Render Pipeline.
– Player Controller and a Camera fly-through mode to discover the scene in play mode
– Area Volumes: Volume based system driving atmospheric scattering, sunlight and wind properties.
– Custom atmospheric scattering.
– Custom vertex shader for procedurally animated wind, used by all our vegetation.
– Project-specific Lit shader customizations.
– Project-specific customizations to lighting, shadows and occlusion inputs and calculations.
– Occlusion Probes, a baked solution for efficient sky occlusion on foliage.
– Grass occlusion system to create additional occlusion for our smaller vegetation assets placed on the terrain.
– Sound effects, and a fully functional audio landscape.

The project runs 30 fps in 1080p on PS4 Pro, Xbox One X and Windows/DX11 (mid-range gaming system). It is also supported on macOS(High Sierra)/Metal, Windows/DX12/Vulkan as well as on PS4, Xbox One and Xbox One S.

More information and detailed Book of the Dead making-of articles:

Some components of the project are governed by licenses other than the Asset Store EULA; see ThirdPartyNotices.txt in the package for details about each component.

Download the free environment art assets from the Book of the Dead demo from the Unity Asset Store
(2.4GB download)

Read Unity’s blog post about its photogrammetry workflow for creating the assets

Il pluripremiato Demo Team di Unity, i creatori di “Adam”, è entusiasta di annunciare Book of the Dead, una demo interattiva in prima persona che mette in mostra le funzionalità di Unity 2018 per fornire immagini di alta gamma per le produzioni di giochi.

Book of the Dead – Unity Interactive Demo – Realtime Teaser

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