3DArt Talk with Victor Perez and Christy Anzelmo

Hi Guys, here’s the new episode of 😎 3DArt Talk, with Victor Perez (Visual Effects Supervisor) and Christy Anzelmo (Group Product Manager) for the Nuke team at Foundry.

Do you want to know more about VFX industry? Check this Talk!

3DArt Talk is a free online talk art education resource, aimed at sharing the experiences and points of view of artists and professionals working in the creative industry.

3DArt Talk #2 Victor Perez and Christy Anzelmo

Let’s talk with Victor Perez

  • Visual Effects Supervisor and Director
  • Author of the short film “Eco”, nominated for a VES Award
  • Winner of the Italian Academy Award: David di Donatello for Best Visual Effects

1:09 Victor, how was working on “The Invisible Boy: Second Generation”?

2:51 How was working in a small team Frame by Frame?

4:22 Was the production in Rome?

5:09 What’s the difference working in Rome instead of London?

7:37 Can you share more about your experience during the earthquake at L’Aquila?

9:55 When did your love for Nuke begin?

12:37 What would you recommend to young artists who want to start this journey in VFX and digital compositing?

14:07 If you were a superhero, who would you be and why?

Let’s talk with Christy Anzelmo

14:47 How is the Nuke team working to satisfy market requests in the VFX industry?

18:35 How is the Nuke Team divided and what is the workflow?

20:08 Are there any changes within the Nuke team organization after Roper Technologies acquired Foundry?

21:27 If you were a superhero, who would you be and why?

Interviewer: Emanuele Serra

Voice Over: Simone Grancagnolo

#3DArtTalk #FMX #FMX2019 #Interview #VFX #VictorPerez #ChristyAnzelmo #Foundry #Nuke

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