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5 Tips before learning Octane

Hi guys, if are learning Octane render, check this short video, where Nick’ll show you the top 5 mistakes he made when starting to learn Octane for Cinema 4D and how you can avoid them.

Learn the 5 time-saving tips Nick wish he knew before learning Octane for Cinema 4D.

5 Tips before learning Octane | Greyscalegorilla Beginner Series

What’s New in OctaneRender

NVIDIA RTX Acceleration
Octane RTX hardware acceleration brings 2-5x to render speed increases to NVIDIA raytracing GPUs with multi-GPU support.

RTX acceleration speed gains increase in more complex scenes and can be benchmarked using RTX OctaneBench®.

Layered Materials
The new layered material system allows you to construct a complex material that consists of a base layer, with a maximum of 8 layers which can be inserted on top of the base layer.

New nodes include layered material, diffuse layer, specular layer, sheen layer, a metallic layer, and layer group nodes.

With unique layered materials, Octane empowers you to recreate complex materials in a physically-based manner as opposed to manually mixing materials together.

Spectral Random Walk SSS and Hair Material
A new Random Walk medium allows you to create ultra-realistic skin and other absorption/scattering materials in Octane.

With Random Walk SSS and Octane’s new Spectral Hair Material, you can easily create photorealistic digital characters.

The Spectral Hair Material enables different colouring modes for hair, as well as multiple roughness parameters for different scattering behaviour along a hair strand.

Octane Vectron™ and Spectron™ Procedural Geometry and Lighting
Octane Vectron (Vector-Polygon) provides infinite procedurally generated scenes, volumes, and geometry which bypass meshes and volumes.

With Vectron, you can create procedurally generated scenes entirely on the GPU without using GPU VRAM and with zero memory footprint.

Spectron Procedural Volumetric Lights allow you to create procedurally driven volumetric lighting – like spotlights – with blockers, barn doors, gels and more.

OSL and Procedural Vertex Displacement
You can now render procedural and OSL vertex displacement (either height or vector displacement) before rendering.

This is a robust displacement system which doesn’t suffer the same limitations as the old displacement system (which is now known as Texture Displacement).

Octane also allows you to mix/layer vector/height displacement maps using the new displacement mixer node.

OSL Shaders for Volume Textures
Up until recently, you could only use static colours for absorption, scattering and emission in volumes. You can now use any textures for volumes.

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