Arnold to Maya 2017 - Getting Started Tutorial

Arnold to Maya 2017 – Getting Started Tutorial

Arnold Render isn’t that hard to learn, let’s see how to get started with Arvid Schneider, where he shows us how to use alShaders utility nodes to get started using Arnold in Maya 2017.

After the release of Maya 2017, mental ray is out of the Autodesk package and the new Arnold Render purchase is included.

If you’re going to use Arnold, you can start by downloading these resources and start rendering.

Find his videos on the website ( Arvid shows us the potential of using the utility nodes alShaders. You can find a free guide on the site, for all 3d artists who want to start using Arnold Render in Maya.

alShaders An open source resource and free shader library for Arnold, which focuses on offering tools for production.

alShaders is a collection of nodes that can be used in all types of workflows. These include: Combine Color, Layer Color, Remap Color, Switch Color, Cache, Jitter Color, Input Vector, and Input Scalar.

Arvid also provides a small demonstration for using alJitterColor, which can allow you to instantly get color variation in multiple objects.

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