Arnold to Nuke using Aton

Aton is Arnold Interface-compatible display driver and Nuke plugin for direct rendering into the Nuke interface.

How to use Arnold Renderer in Nuke?

Houdini support: Initial support for SideFX Houdini includes the following.

    • MultiFrame IPR with ROPs as Render Layers
    • Camera, Resolution, Sampling and Bucket Scanning Overrides
    • Render Region with Overscan options
    • Ignore Features for Diagnostics
    • Live Camera

    HtoA implementation is based on the research article from Ryan Heniser, but the workflow is similar to Maya and Cinema 4D. See how to install at the bottom of this page.


ATON 1.0 – Intro

Added Nuke v11.2 and Arnold v5.2 Core support:

  • Auto Snapshots: Each IPR session is now automatically being kept in memory with options to take, rename, reorder and remove the snapshots. Use write to disk options to permanently store them, as it was done before with capturing.
  • Render Layers: Render Layer names will show up as a prefix for snapshot’s name on the stack. There is an arbitrary output entry in the Arnold driver which can be set by a script.
  • Render Region: Region handles have been added in the node, which accelerates the workflow. It’s still possible to use a crop nodes too.


For more info and download go to

Download Aton in .Zip

Arnold to Nuke (AtoN) with HtoA – proof of concept


Patching AtoN into HtoA

AtoN and HtoA are two third-party libraries that were not originally designed to work together. In this proof of concept, we demonstrate how one can add functionality from a third-party library, like AtoN, to an existing third-party library, like HtoA.

The full video will be a very technical article. This article is intended for an audience of technical directors, programmers, and software engineers in the video game, CG animation, and visual effects industries.

A professional level of knowledge of Maya, Houdini, Arnold, Maya to Arnold (MtoA), Houdini to Arnold (HtoA), and Nuke will be assumed. Deep knowledge of the Python programming language, in particular closures and decorators, and a familiarity with the C++ programming language will also be assumed.

Last week, the Head of Lighting at Rising Sun Pictures (RSP), Shane Aherne, expressed to me a desire for a system that could render directly into Nuke from Houdini using Arnold. Aherne recalled existing solutions for renderers that implemented the RenderMan Interface. For example, Dan Bethell and Johannes Saam created a RenderMan Interface-compatible display driver and plugin for rendering directly into Nuke called RmanConnect.
Aherne was intrigued by Vahan Sosoyan’s Arnold to Nuke (AtoN) system, which is based off of Bethell and Saam’s RmanConnect.
Aherne was disappointed that AtoN was currently only available for MtoA in Maya and C4DtoA in Cinema 4D, as RSP is a Houdini studio.

After looking through the AtoN code, Ryan Heniser figured out a way to amend HtoA to get AtoN to work. This stopgap will give Aherne and the RSP lighting team a chance to use AtoN while they wait for full support for HtoA from the AtoN developer.