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ArtFutura Digital Creatures

ArtFutura Digital Creatures is an extraordinary exhibition in Rome. Until the 10th of September.
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In the constant quest to overcome the boundaries of digital artwork, such as computer animation, video games and special effects, the festival ArtFutura has presented many authors able to represent new technologies.

Since 26 years, ArtFutura Future Art celebrates multimedia art world-wide. A project born in the ’90s from the encounter of some of the pioneers of Cyberculture such as Rebecca Allen, William Gibson and Montxo Algora who, on this occasion, brought together the best international Digital Creatures. An option, also suggested by the context, from the own nature of the Ex Dogana, meant as the factory of the future.



ArtFutura exhibition. 

Digital Creatures from April 29 to September 10, 2017,
at the new exhibition spaces of the Ex-Dogana in Rome.

A Digital Art exhibition, produced by MondoMostre Skira, containing works by Paul Friedlander (UK), Esteban Diácono (Argentina), Can Buyukberber (USA), Sachiko Kodama (Japan), Chico MacMurtrie/Amorphic Robot Works (USA) and Universal Everything (UK) and the best video images of the ArtFutura festival.

Creature Digitali” explores the fact that art and science move along parallel paths. And it does through the work of a group of artists that are considered esential to understand the evolution of art and creativity at the beginning of the 21st century.

Montxo Algora from the ArtFutura organization, is the curator of this exhibition that will be shown at the Ex Dogana in Rome, starting April 28th.



DIFFUSION from Kouhei Nakama


la SCIENZA, è ARTE? ArtFutura tra Digitale ed Innovazione Estetica

The crucial element in the global technological discontinuity is our humanity.
Without it, everything else lacks meaning.
At the beginning of this 21st century we’re all progressively mutating into “digital creatures”. Our jobs, our emotions, our friendships, our art… everything is performed more and more in the digital realm.
The exhibition “Digital Creatures” shows in Rome a new type of artists that test the limits of creativity using unique digital tools.

With disciplines as diverse as robotics, information visualization, sculpting with ferrofluids and painting with light. Unique tools for unique shapes and expressions.

Can Byubaker – Morphogenesis Trailer

These artists define a different discourse of what some call “new media”, experimenting and expanding its speculative beginnings into new bold and distinct statements.

But the most fascinating element about digital technology is precisely that it hasn’t fully arrived. At least… not yet. As processors will increase its capacity at exponential rate, we humans will increase our capabilities to both create…. and destroy. To reach and to fail. Heaven and smoke.

And in this new realm what we know for certain is that our creations will be different. Our art will be different, our museums will be different, the way we use our imagination to visualize our dreams will be different.

It’s the beginning of the 21st Century and we humans are mutating into digital creatures. And almost without noticing it, almost without being aware, we are wearing humankind as our second skin. And as humankind gets intimately connected, everything gets meaning.

Gli Artisti:


Exhibition: ArtFutura Digital Creatures
Founder and director: Montxo Algora
Produzione e organizzazione: MondoMostre Skira GSE
Venue: ROMA, EX DOGANA – Via dello Scalo San Lorenzo 10
Date della mostra: 29 aprile ‐ 10 settembre 2017
Martedì ‐ Mercoledì: 12.00 – 22.00
Giovedì‐ Venerdì: 12.00 – 01.00
Sabato: 10.00 – 01.00
Domenica: 10.00‐22.00
Lunedì Chiuso Ultimo ingresso un’ora prima della chiusura

Intero: € 12,00
Ridotto: € 9 visitatori oltre i 65 anni, visitatori da 12 a 18 anni, portatori di handicap, militari, forze dell’ordine non in servizio
Ridotto speciale: € 8 biglietto per vendite speciali con eventi Ex Dogana
Gruppi scuole: € 6 dal martedì alla domenica. Minimo 10 massimo 25 (tolleranza fino a 29), scuole di ogni ordine e grado.
Dal martedì alla domenica. Minimo 10 massimo 25 (tolleranza fino a 29) Gruppi: € 9 dal martedì alla domenica. Minimo 10 massimo 25 (tolleranza fino a 29), scuole di ogni ordine e grado. Dal martedì alla domenica. Minimo 10 massimo 25 (tolleranza fino a 29) Gratuito: € 0 minori di 12 anni, guide turistiche abilitate con tesserino di riconoscimento, un accompagnatore per ogni gruppo, due accompagnatori per ogni gruppo scolastico, un accompagnatore per disabile che presenti necessità, giornalisti accreditati dall’Ufficio Stampa della Mostra, tesserati ICOM, componenti commissione vigilanza e vigili del fuoco (previa esibizione di tessera non nominativa) Abbonamento: € 13



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