Assets and Databases in Cinema 4D Introduction

Cinema 4D’s new browser has added a new Asset Browser in the S24 version, giving users a way to browse and search for things within a library, allowing them to search online or local resource databases, including a large library of available assets for C4D subscribers.

What are assets in Cinema 4D S24?

In this quick tutorial Jonas Pilz (@ jonaspilz3d) shows us a quick introduction to Cinema 4D’s resources and databases. We will see how to create resources and how to create and mount databases. Also, we will learn how to organize custom databases in C4D.

  1. 00:00 What are Assets?
  2. 00:59 What are Databases?
  3. 02:09 How to create an Object Asset and assign it to a Database
  4. 04:17 How to create a new category and assign Assets to it
  5. 04:51 How to mount/unmount Databases
  6. 06:07 How to create a Node Asset