I am a Digital Artist, 3D Artist & Digital Compositing, and I live in London. For over 10 years, I have alternated my freelance work with that of teaching.
With 3DArt.it I want to create a collection and resource point of view and tutorials, useful for all CG Artists and creatives who want to have a 360 ° view on 3D, VFX and Motion Design.
Date un’occhiata a questo video per saperne di più sulla pipeline di produzione di Pacific Rim con John Knoll, Eddie Pasquarello, Lindy De Quattro e Hal Hickel. Nella pipeline sono stati utilizzati NUKE, Houdini, KATANA, Modo, Alembic, Arnold / RenderMan e distruzione...
Blender Foundation ha condiviso la Blender Demo Reel 2013 che include VFX, animazione e motion graphics, lavori realizzati utilizzando il noto software OpenSource Blender come: R´ha short movie, Tears of Steel. Watch Blender Demo Reel 2013...