I am a Digital Artist, 3D Artist & Digital Compositing, and I live in London. For over 10 years, I have alternated my freelance work with that of teaching.
With 3DArt.it I want to create a collection and resource point of view and tutorials, useful for all CG Artists and creatives who want to have a 360 ° view on 3D, VFX and Motion Design.
Developer Jean-Francois Gallant has released Molecular to manage Multiphysics in Blender. Two years of development, Molecular is able to manage particles, fluids, and fabrics – the last two created using particles while maintaining a very high realistic reality. As Gallant...
La MAXON, leader nello sviluppo di software professionali per il modeling, painting, rendering e animazione 3D, ha rivelato con orgoglio che il super-premiato team...
Condividiamo anche su 3DArt il modello completo realizzato da Angelo Ferretti, ispirato ad un capolavoro di Matheus Passos. Il modellello utilizato in uno dei capitoli dedicato all’illuminazione di un interno con Vray e Cinema 4D, è ora liberamente scaricabile. Scarica il modello qui: Modello...