I am a Digital Artist, 3D Artist & Digital Compositing, and I live in London. For over 10 years, I have alternated my freelance work with that of teaching.
With 3DArt.it I want to create a collection and resource point of view and tutorials, useful for all CG Artists and creatives who want to have a 360 ° view on 3D, VFX and Motion Design.
Steffen Knoesgaard ha realizzato il suo show reel 2013, dategli un occhiata! Molto molto bello! Una raccolta di lavori realizzati fino al 2013. Maggiori informazioni visitate il sito: steffenk.net Audio: Airhead – Lightmeters (R & S Records) Sfx supplementare da Audionerve....
Condividiamo questo bellissimo showreel, dategli un occhiata! Renaud Futterer – un designer freelance con una ottima preparazione nella progettazione grafica,...
IES stands for Illuminating Engineering Society. IES is the standard format, created for the electronic transfer of photometric data via the web. It has been widely used by many lighting manufacturers, and is one of the most widely used photometric...