I am a Digital Artist, 3D Artist & Digital Compositing, and I live in London. For over 10 years, I have alternated my freelance work with that of teaching.
With 3DArt.it I want to create a collection and resource point of view and tutorials, useful for all CG Artists and creatives who want to have a 360 ° view on 3D, VFX and Motion Design.
The Foundry ci mostra, un’anteprima della nuova versione di NUKE 7.0, mostrando i miglioramenti apportati, caratteristica principale: migliore performance per...
Disney rilascia il trailer completo della fantastica avventura “Oz The Great and Powerful”, interpretato da James Franco, Mila Kunis, Rachel Weisz, Michelle Williams e Zach Braff. Regia di Sam Raimi (La Trilogia Spiderman). In “Oz The Great and Powerful”, Disney...
L’Automotive Design di Renault, video spot realizzato in CG, diretto da Thierry Renault Canon, Steven Ada, Arnaud Guillon (CO3). Agency : Publicis Production : Global Event Management DOP : Didier Daubeach...
Guardate questo bellissimo corto, lasciatevi ispirare da queste simulazioni di particelle veramente eccellenti, diretto da Tom Gouill, Jeoffrey Lavanche e...
We also share on 3DArt this magnificent work done by the company of VFX and CG 1stAveMachines, for Google. Awarded in Cannes Gold Lion film. 1stAveMachines sito web: http://1stavemachine.com/...