Check this interesting resource from FX Artist Matteo Migliorini and founder of the brand “VFX’n’GO“. As you can read in the description, the author has decided to release his courses for free, Autodesk 3DS Max Particles and Autodesk Composite courses.

    • Autodesk 3DS Max Particles 101
    • 51 videos 720p in *.mp4 course duration h. 4:32 + files
    • Autodesk 3DS Max Particles 201
    • 25 videos 720p in *.mp4 course duration h. 2:49 + files
    • Composite 101 download the entire video course and tutorial files
      18 video in 720p x h. 1:36 in .mp4 + 600 Mb Files.
Download Autodesk 3DS Max Particles Courses

“For a personal choice, I decided to make this bundle free with a donation with the two courses based on the particles of Autodesk 3DS Max (Particles 101 and Particles 201) and the introductory course on Compositing with Autodesk Composite 101. I no longer use 3DS Max from years and these courses are a bit dated as a version, but still valid, so they are released with the formula “Allow customers to pay what they want” then a donation starting from € 4 +.

The proceeds will be used to develop new courses/projects and considering that in this package there are over 8 hours of lessons and that it was sold at 54.99 € (+ VAT) a small donation of 4+ € is welcome (automatic option, for the reason explained above). If you don’t want to do it immediately, you can do it later via the PayPal link (perhaps because you liked the course).”

Donation Link Paypal:

There is no type of assistance on it, but it will be granted only if you log in as “Scout Stormtrooper” on VFX’n’GO‘s patreon:

ATTENTION Gumroad does not allow you to put products below 25 MB for free, for this reason, you can use the following link:

Tutorial Particles 101 and 201

In the first, the basic concepts of particle dynamics, the various basic emitters available (Spray, Blizzard, Snow, Super Spray. P-Array and P-Cloud) are covered during the 51 videos with practical examples that will allow you to create independently effects like Scatter or natural effects (snow, water, fire, smoke, dust, for example) to be used in your renderings or animations. In the second, the advanced module of Particle Flow, also called PFlow, is explained and examined, with practical examples that will allow you to independently create visual effects or natural effects to be used in your renders or animations. At the end of a series of purely theoretical lessons, you will be able to view practical examples designed precisely for those who approach this advanced module for the first time, as well as reveal some secrets to be used in your productions.

Composite 101

Autodesk Composite is one of the most popular software in the world and is a valid tool for compositing and color correction. In this course, the different methodologies for creating compositing will be addressed in addition to the export of the rendering channel/pass with Autodesk 3DS Max and Maya (in addition to the rendering engines such as V-Ray, Mental Ray, and Scanline).

At the end of a series of theoretical lessons, you will be able to see practical examples designed specifically for those who work in the Archviz or Media & Entertainment sector, as well as revealing some secrets to be used in your productions to improve your works and you will improve production times.

Quietly download the entire video course and tutorial files (18 videos in 720p x h. 1:36 in .mp4 format + 600 Mb Files) to be able to view it without problems wherever you are, even on mobile devices and tablets.

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