Free Mocap moves from Bandai Namco

Released a library of BVH free motion capture data for research and personal use, released by game developer Bandai Namco.

Motion capture data files recorded in Bandai Namco’s mocap studio include over 3,000 individual moves for 3D character animations.
The files are provided in BVH format and cover a wide range of activities, such as running, walking, jumping, fighting, dancing, and a range of movement styles, including active, tired and happy styles.

Download over 3,000 free mocap moves in BVH format for character animations.

Bandai Namco recorded the motion capture of the characters, creating a dataset for the MST movement style, transferring the style of one movement, such as the emotional state of the character, while preserving the content of the second movement as the animation of a cycle of happy walk into a sad one.

Bandai Namco Research Motiondataset 1 to download

The BVH library consists of two motion capture datasets, the first consisting of 175 individual moves covering 17 types of motion:
walk, run, go back, walk right, walk left, bow, hello, drive, hello hello, answer, call, kick, cut, dance.

Included in the fight and dance pack, and 15 styles: normal, happy, sad, angry, proud, unsure, masculinity, feminine, kids, old, tired, active, musical, giant.

With setup for the movement of humans, giants and monkeys.

Info link: /dataset/Bandai-Namco-Research-Motiondataset-1

Download BVH / Json files here: /Bandai-Namco-Research-Motiondataset/find/master

Bandai Namco Research Motiondataset 2 to download

The second is much larger, contains 2,902 individual moves: walk, walk-turn-left, walk-turn-right, run, wave-both-hands, wave-left-hand, wave-right-hand, raise- both-hands, raise-right-hand, raise right-hand.

In 7 basic styles: normal, active and exhausted, active, elderly, exhausted, feminine, masculine, normal, and young.

A library of 3,077 individual moves and 421,604 motion frames.

Info link: /dataset/Bandai-Namco-Research-Motiondataset-2

Download BVH / Json files here: /Bandai-Namco-Research-Motiondataset/find/master

The movements were captured by three professional actors, with Bandai Namco post-processing the raw data to remove noise and align the aspect ratio to a standard character’s skeleton, and are delivered at 30fps.

Compatible with most DCC applications and game engines
The files are provided in BVH format, natively supported by many DCC applications, including Maya, 3ds Max, Cinema 4D, Houdini, MotionBuilder, and Blender (in the package a free Python script to display BVH data in Blender).

The animation can then be exported to FBX format for use in game engines such as Unity and Unreal Engine.

System requirements

  • The Bandai Namco motion data set is provided in BVH format.
  • The files are freely available for research and personal use under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives license.
  • The Blender script is available under the MIT license.
  • Bandai Namco has provided their own free Python script to view BVH data in Blender.

Download BVH Free Mocap moves from Bandai Namco


Pack 1: /Bandai-Namco-Research-Motiondataset-1/LICENSE
Pack 2: /Bandai-Namco-Research-Motiondataset-2/LICENSE
Blender: /blender/LICENSE


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