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Camera rolling shutter in Arnold

Happy Friday 3DArtist, don’t miss this tutorial shared by Lee Griggs (Autodesk Maya, Arnold Renderer expert). In this tutorial Lee Griggs covers the set-up to get distorted and weird-looking render images using the camera Rolling Shutter in Arnold renderer in motion.

How to set-up a camera rolling shutter effect in Arnold?

In this tutorial, we will see how the Rolling Shutter Camera Effect affects the deformation of the image, an effect that we see in photography in the real world.

In this tutorial, we will see how to reproduce these effects, in 3d using the movement of the digital rolling shutter camera.

The effect is applied to a fast-moving object, the camera sensor lines record a snapshot line by line, creating a warped effect of the real image, stretched or bent or inflated, according to the movement.

The cool things it’s super easy to set-up this effect in Arnold.

In Arnold, we find a dedicated Rolling Shutter setting, and you can use it to simulate photographs taken as in real life.

Rolling Shutter Effects, Render Images by Lee Griggs:

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