Car animation in Cinema 4D and Houdini

Hi, 3D Artists don’t miss this incredible tutorial about the car animation, Jeep tutorial series for free on youtube. 

Tim Van Helsdingen shows how to create a realistic animation of a Jeep driving through the mud using Cinema 4D and Houdini for the simulation. In this 3.5-hour video series, Tim takes you on a tour through all of the project files from the VFX shot of the jeep driving through mud.

How to create a car animation in C4D and Houdini?

So here is the first part, which is also the shortest one. In this, we look at how the car animation was done inside Cinema 4D. After this everything is done in Houdini but for this car animation, it made more sense to do it in Cinema.

Jeep Driving Through Mud Tutorial – Car animation in Cinema 4D – Part 01

In this part 2 of the jeep series, we will show how to simulations of mud in Houdini as the flip & white water were done, along with some additional elements.

Next week we’ll dive into scene assembly, lighting, shading, and rendering, you’ll learn how to handle large assets inside Houdini/Redshift, tips and tricks for putting scenes together, and a lot more.

Jeep Driving Through Mud Tutorial – Simulations in Houdini – Part 01