Cascadeur – Mocap Cleanup and Editing Tutorial

Here is a detailed step-by-step tutorial on the various ways and tools you can use to clean up and edit your mocap animation in Cascadeur. We’ve tried to cover the most common cases you may encounter when working with mocap data, as well as give you an idea of the ways you can use Cascadeur’s unique features and tools to get the result you want!

In this tutorial we will see different ways and tools that you can use to clean up and modify the animation of your mocap in Cascadeur.

We’ve tried to cover the most common cases you may encounter when working with mocap data, as well as give you an idea of the ways you can use Cascadeur’s unique features and tools to get the result you want.
In this 30-minute tutorial, he will walk you through the entire A to Z working process explaining how to deal with the typical problems one usually faces in the rigging.

In this tutorial:

  • How to fix quick twists and turns in the elbows and knees in Cascadeur.
  • How to prevent hands from penetrating the mesh in Cascadeur.
  • The correct use of AutoPosing and the Tween Machine to fix misplaced or sliding feet in Cascadeur.
  • Manually setting the fulcrum area to improve AutoPhysics results in Cascadeur.
  • Change the timing and height of motion-captured jumps to achieve more spectacular, yet still physically accurate, results using Cascadeur’s ballistic trajectories…and more!

0:00 Introduction
0:26 How to prepare a scene
3:57 Fixing elbows and knees rotation
6:33 Replacing keys with interpolation
9:02 Interval Edit Mode
13:42 Tween Machine
15:56 How to use AutoPosing
17:57 Copying positions
21:47 Physics tools
31:40 Export

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