Cinema 4D to Substance Painter and Octane Pipeline

In this tutorial, Polygon Pen shows how to prepare your low and high poly meshes in Cinema 4D for baking and texturing in Substance Painter, and manage the Substance Painter texture in Cinema 4D with Octane render pipeline.

How to paint textures in C4D and Substance Painter?

Substance Painter recently purchased from Adobe, is one of the most used software by 3d artists, and texture artists for the creation and textures painting on 3d model in real-time. Substance 3D Painter is widely used in-game and movie production as well as in product design, fashion, and architecture. It’s a go-to 3D texturing app for creative professionals everywhere.

Cinema 4D – Substance Painter – Octane Pipeline Tutorial

In this tutorial we will see SP in a work pipeline starting with modeling in Cinema 4D, once the UVmaps are ready we will export it to Substance Painter to paint and generate our textures, then return to C4D and prepare the shaders for the final rendering in Octane Render.