The moment we’ve been waiting for has arrived, and I believe this is a new “game changer”, now we can import Cinema 4D files directly into Unreal Engine while maintaining and managing Redshift set-ups and materials. This new update opens the door to a totally new workflow that many motion designers and 3d artists have been waiting for.

Redshift Materials we can use in Unreal Engine 5!

Redshift to Unreal Engine 5 with Cineware tutorial

We have seen the Datasmith plugin (import Archiviz scene in UE) which allowed us to directly import .c4d files into Unreal Engine, but with the problems of remapping all the textures and materials of the 3d models within the scene, now as Winbush’s new tutorial shows us, with the new Coineware plugin released by Maxon, we have the possibility to interact with the Cinema 4D file, in a superior way, even going to work in Unreal with Redshift materials.

This is a big step forward that opens the door to a new workflow, where real-time is the master, we’ll see how 3d artists will work with these two software integrating them into their pipeline, more and more.

How To Install Cineware: The Game-Changing Plugin for Cinema 4D and Unreal Engine 5

In this tutorial, we will see how to install Maxon’s new Cineware plugin, to use C4D 3d files directly in Unreal Engine 5.
We will see how to download and install Cineware step by step on your PC.

With the Cineware for Unreal plug-in, you can import specific setups such as Redshift materials into a Cinema 4D file, and export them directly into Unreal Engine 5. You can manage text and other scene settings within a panel or using the Blueprint editor and a simple click will re-import the Cinema 4D file with the changes applied.

Download Cineware for Unreal

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