Corona Renderer 4 for Cinema 4D New Features

Corona Renderer 4 for Cinema 4D is here to let you add those effects into your renders for the ultimate in realism, thanks to the addition of fast and easy caustics.

That’s not all you’ll find in this release though! There’s also the ability to run Interactive Rendering in a docked Cinema 4D viewport, object picking and manipulation within IR (and moving the camera view from in there too), Inside Volume mode for true 3D volumes, Intel AI denoising (for any CPU), correct displacements when stacking materials, the fisheye camera, and more!

Corona Rendering 4 for Cinema 4D Released!


You can read in this section Corona Render Forum more details:

Corona Renderer 4 for Cinema 4D New Features

You can find more tutorial od Corona renderer course and tutorial in this section: Corona renderer tutorial
In this section, you can download some Corona render project free download: Corona scene download

Corona Render Download


Demo Refresh: If you have tried a previous version of Corona Renderer and your 45-day trial has expired, then you’ll be pleased to hear that we have automatically refreshed the demo period to give everyone an extra 14 days! Simply download and install Corona Renderer 4 from the link above, and activate the demo license right within Cinema 4D, and then you’ll be creating caustics in no time! Enjoy!
Corona Renderer Price

Corona Renderer Price



  • Caustics – We think these are the best caustics in any render engine!
    – Easy to set up with just a click or two
    – No complex parameters
    – Fast to render
    – Handles reflective caustics and refractive caustics
    – Refractive caustics can include dispersion (hello Dark Side of the Moon!)
    – Each light source (including suns and environments) can have caustics enabled or disabled
    – Works as expected with LightMix and other Corona tools
  • Docked IR Viewport – If you prefer to run IR in a Cinema 4D viewport rather than in the VFB, then this update has what you need!
  • Object picking in the render window – in both the docked IR viewport and the VFB, you can now left-click to select objects right in the render. In the docked IR viewport, you can also move, scale and rotate objects there too and you can also use the regular Cinema 4D controls to adjust the perspective or camera view (things that are not possible in the 3ds Max version 😉 )
  • Set Depth of Field focus point in the render window – In the VFB render (IR or final), you can right-click to set the point which should be in focus when using Depth of Field.
  • Intel AI Denoising – works on any CPU (not just Intel), giving you access to AI denoising for final renders that can be done on any machine.
  • Inside Volume mode – for true 3D volumetric materials using the Corona Volume shader.
  • Fisheye mode for cameras – perfect for both interior and exterior renders, any Corona camera can be given a fisheye lens, with all the controls you need to get the result you want. This was developed by the Corona for Cinema 4D team, then ported to 3ds Max.
  • Stacked displacements – stacking materials on an object now gives the expected results from displacement.
  • Multiple Suns for LightMix – now you can set up different times of day in one render, and swap between them in LightMix.
  • New Image Filtering – makes noise less noticeable to the eye, getting away from the “pixel-by-pixel” look that CGI noise has. In effect this speeds up rendering, as you will need less passes or time to get to a satisfying visual quality.
  • New Light Solver – now fully functional in all cases, the New Light Solver is now enabled by default, and gives great improvements to render times.


Corona Renderer 4 was released just one week ago for 3ds Max – we like to keep all our users up to date with the latest version as close as possible!

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