Corona Renderer 6 for Cinema 4D New Features

Hi guys, Corona Renderer 6 for Cinema 4D is ready! In the latest version of Corona 6, the new sky model and the texture randomisation is improved, and the Node Editor Fixed.
Check the New Features Video, a quick overview of Corona 6.

Corona Renderer 6 for Cinema 4D New Features

Corona Renderer 6, quick overview:

New Sky Model has a better overall tint to the lighting in the daytime, but most importantly supports the sun being below the horizon (as low as -2.85 degrees, or roughly 5.4 sun diameters) for dawn/twilight.

Randomized tiling in the UvwRandomizer lets you avoid the “repeating pattern” look that even seamless textures can have.

New Lens Effects give you vastly more control over bloom & glare.

The Corona Distance shader lets you create “smart” materials that know how far away they are from objects in the scene. Use this to add waves around a coastline, wear-and-tear where objects meet, dirt and noise under window sills, and more.

New Adaptive Environment Sampler removes the need for Portals, saving you the time (and pain!) of setting those up while giving more accurate results.

The VFB can now be set to use the same colour space that Cinema 4D uses in the native Picture Viewer, perfect for when you are batch rendering or rendering an animation (as those always save from the Picture Viewer).

New Masking options that work in reflections and refractions giving you greater control in post.

Node Editor Fixes giving greater stability, so you can safely make the most of what the Corona Node Editor adds to Cinema 4D.

And of course lots of other quality of life improvements, bug fixes, and more!

Download Corona Renderer 6

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