Creature Animation Free Rig to download

Hi Guys, in this section, you can find a Creature Animation Free Rig ready to download, made by Truong.
Incredible resources ready to use in your Maya or Zbrush project, complete of texture and rendering set-up.
3D model Free for non-commercial use, like demo reel, animation practice, student works, non-commercial personal projects.
Enjoy it!

Allosaurus Dinosaur Maya Rig
> Free Allosaurus Dinosaur Maya Rig download link:

Software: Maya 2014 (or higher)
Rigged using Advanced Skeleton.

Maya scene files include: the rigged dinosaur.

Texture files include color, displacement, specular and normal maps.
redshift folder contains all the files needed for Redshift3d rendering.

Zbrush 4r8 p1 (or higher)
Also uploaded ZBrush project file in case you need to adjust the model further.

Allosaurus Maya Rig made by Truong.

Free for non-commercial use, like demo reel, animation practice, student works, non-commercial personal projects, … If you like to use the rig/ model for commercial use, please check out the information below.

Render above was done by Ben Wotton.
Main inspiration: Laurel D. Austin’s work.



TRex Dinosaur (Diabo Rex) Maya Rig


TRex Dinosaur (Diabo Rex) Maya Rig link:

Software: Maya 2014 (or higher)

Rigged using Advanced Skeleton.

Maya scene files include: the rigged dinosaur

Texture folder: all the texture files (color, normal, displacement, specular). reference this file into your animation scene and render, the lighting was setup already (mental ray). Use Render_cam for the best results.

Remember to set project, so all the textures can be loaded automatically.
Zbrush project file also included, in case you need to adjust him further.

Free Indominus Rex Maya Rig (fan art rig)Free Indominus Rex Maya Rig link:

Software: Maya 2014 (or higher)
Rigged using Advanced Skeleton.

Maya scene files include: the rigged dinosaur reference this file into your animation scene and render, the lighting was setup already (mental ray). Use Render_cam for the best results.

Texture folder: all the texture files (color, normal, displacement, specular).

Remember to set project, so all the textures can be loaded automatically.
Remember to turn “visibility” on for the “lens” layer before rendering. It will make nicer eyes render.

Free Allosaurus Dinosaur Maya Rig> Free Allosaurus Dinosaur Maya Rig link:

Software: Maya 2014 (or higher)
Rigged using Advanced Skeleton.

Maya scene files include: the rigged dinosaur.

Texture folder: texture files include color, displacement, specular, glossiness and normal maps. lighting setup file using Redshift3D

Free Maya Dragon Rig

> Free Maya Dragon Rig Download link:

Software: Maya 2012 (or higher)
Rigged using Advanced Skeleton. 

Maya scene files include:
Dragon_rig: the rigged dragon

Dragon Concept Art by Jaemin Kim.
Model, Texture, Rig & Lighting by Truong.
Used in my short film – Forsaken Warriors

Dragon_lighting: this is where you animate the dragon, the lighting was setup already (mental ray). Use Render_cam for the best results.

Texture folder: all the texture files (color, normal, displacement, specular).
Remember to set project, so all the textures can be loaded automatically.



Single Seat: You can use the rig for personal practice, reel, 11s club challenge or other non-commercial purposeCommercial Single Seat: This license entitles you and only you to use the rig for commercial and monetized use.

Team Project Or Class License: This license entitles you to distribute this rig to up to 50 people working on one project or class. Commercial Studio: This license entitles you to use the rig throughout your studio for commercial or monetized uses.

School License: This license entitles you to use my entire library, including my future rigs for your school. Please contact me for more details.



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