Download DaVinci Resolve 17.0

Blackmagic Design has released DaVinci Resolve 17.0 and DaVinci Resolve Studio 17.0. DaVinci Resolve 17 is a major new release with over 100 new features and 200 improvements, to its color grading, editing, and post-production software, in public beta.

DaVinci Resolve 17.0 – Overview

Key changes include a new HDR grading palette, new creative tools for colorists!
The new HDR palette lets you create custom color wheels for targeted corrections, primary controls have a new design that makes them easier to use, magic mask uses the DaVinci Neural Engine to automatically isolate and track objects, and the new mesh and grid-based color warper lets you push and morph colors in creative new ways!

Power Window drawing has been improved, there are new split-screen wipe options, an additional Sat vs Lum curve, improved scopes, support for 17 point 3D LUTs, and more. Plus, the massive new DaVinci wide-gamut color space enables even higher quality image processing and color management!

DaVinci Resolve 17 includes user interface and workflow improvements across the entire app! You’ll find new and improved format support on the media page, new delivery options, and a unified inspector design on the media, cut, edit, and Fairlight pages.

DaVinci Resolve 17 also features consistent timeline navigation across all pages, better metadata support, new image scaling algorithms, the ability to share smart bins, smart filters, and optimized media across all projects on a system, and even more GPU and CPU accelerated Resolve FX. Plus, there’s a new workflow integration API so third-party developers can integrate their asset management systems and other tools with DaVinci Resolve!

In total, there are over 100 new features, including major updates to the software’s editing and Fairlight audio production toolsets.

Blackmagic Design has also announced two new hardware control devices for Resolve: the DaVinci Resolve Speed ​​Editor keyboard, available now, and the Fairlight Desktop Console, due in December.

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