Download free 3D scanned trees and plant models

Hi guys, don’t miss this resource available for free on the Unreal Engine Marketplace.
You can download 50 models of trees and plants 3D scanned, by Epic Games, bushes and plants created by Tirido – aka environment artist Mert Mimaroğlu.

System requirements and availability
The Scanned Poplar and Aspen Forest with Seasons pack is available free via the Unreal Engine Marketplace. It is compatible with Unreal Engine 4.10+.

Available for free on the Unreal Engine Marketplace
The assets have been made available for free as part of Epic’s free marketplace content for April 2020,

Download 50 free scanned 3D tree and plant models

In this pack 7 different levels (spring, summer, autumn, autumn-rain, winter, winter-snow, winter-snowfall) of scanned poplar/aspen forest environment.

Pack contains photorealistic, photoscanned poplar/aspen trees, foliages, ferns, shrubs, rocks models, photoscanned terrain textures and material sets. All for spring, summer, autumn and winter seasons with sample scenes.

The plant models in the Scanned Poplar and Aspen Forest with Seasons pack are provided at four LODs with 1,024 x 1,024px textures, and the pack also includes rock assets and ground textures.

Technical Details

Trees use 4 different photoscanned barks in two textures (2048×4096, 4096×4096), 1 tilable (512×1024) and 1 branch texture (4096×2048 for each season. Branches have wind animation that can be controlled via material parameters. Also every tree has color variation (with HUE value shift) on their leaves depending on their position on the map. This variation also can be changed via material parameters.

Trees have 4 LODs. Base LODs are hero lods for close-ups and their barks have tessellation. Last LODs are billboards.

Example:”poplar_a_medium_c_forest” model’s LODs have 12694, 5153, 592, 6 triangles.

Shrubs use 1024×1024 texture and their leaves have wind animation and color variation just like trees. They also have 4 LODs. Base LODs are hero lods for close-ups and last LODs are billboards.

Ferns also use 1024×1024 texture. They have 3 LODs. Last LODs are billboards.

Flowers and grasses have 3 LODs. Flowers use 4k, grasses use 2k texture.

Detail assests have no LODs because they are set to disappear at a certain distance.

Rock set uses photoscanned 2048×2048 tileable texture for all rocks except photoscanned ones. Each photoscanned rock uses 1024×1024 texture. All rocks have winter versions which have dynamic snow layer on top of them. This layer’s snow texture, snow amount, coverage and it’s sharpness can be adjust via material parameters.

Photoscanned rocks have 3 LODs. Base LODs have tessellation. Other rocks have 2 LODs.

Terrain textures are 2048×2048. All of them were photoscanned from same area in different seasons. They cover about 3m x 3m area so their texel densities are same. Snow footprint texture is 2048×1024.

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