Hi Guys here you can find Video Assets free download for Filmmakers, and elements for video production and VFX scene.

Free Assets for Filmmakers

Download Free Assets for Filmmakers

  • Hitfilm Express Free:
    Video editing, VFX, and all the power you need to make something cool. Take your first step towards pro-filmmaking with our free starter software: HitFilm Express. Perfect for students, YouTubers, and beginner filmmakers.

  • 16 Free Dust and Light overlays
    To download the 16 Free 4K Light and Dust Elements, you can head over to RocketStock by clicking the button below. While this tutorial focuses on using the free elements in After Effects, all 16 free light and dust overlays are compatible with Premiere Pro, DaVinci Resolve, FCPX, and other NLEs.

  • 24 Free 4K lower thirds to download for After Effects
    Download the free pack, just click the button at the top of the page. The download will include the free template, along with some documentation that will help you find the download links for the free fonts used in the template. The download also comes with a few free clips from our Illuminate pack. Speaking of Illuminate…

  • 5 Free Camera Overlays
    In the download, you’ll find full instructions on how to apply the free camera overlays in your video editing software of choice (Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro X, and Adobe After Effects). Overall, they simply require a drag and a drop before adjusting your footage as you see fit.

  • 3 Free Logo Reveals
    This pack of FREE animated logo reveals is perfect for any corporate video, commercial or news package video project. These logo reveals work best for contemporary businesses and clients who want a slick professional product.

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