Hi 3DArtists, if you are looking for a free Maya character rigged to animate and play with it, these are three 3d manga-style characters that are perfect for you. The characters are made by the 3D animator and character rigger Chonlawat Thammawan, which allows you to download the Maya project for Free, you may use this rig for any project as long as it’s non-commercial.

1. Maya character Wyrm girl rig

This Wyrm girl rig is the side project made by Chonlawat Thammawan, you can download it for free for anyone who interests. This is still one of my favourite rig that landed me many opportunities.

The rig has many cool features that you can turn on and off like Wings, Horns, Sword and etc. She also has quite expressive facial control.

Download free Maya WyrmRig

You may use this rig for any project as long as it’s non-commercial.

2. Maya character Reimu Animation Rig

Anime style animation rig based on character Reimu Hakurei for Autodesk Maya

About the Rig:
– ShaderFX Toon Shader Allow you to see the final look of the character in viewport 2.0 as you animate. The material will not work in another renderer, There is also a version of the rig that has simple lambert material.
– An anime like shader Rig, Try to animate this rig in stepped key!
– This is not a game ready rig.
– Animschool Picker is provided

Reimu Rig for Autodesk Maya with texture sheet required for the material and Animschool Picker for the rig

Download free Maya ReimuRig Feel free to use the rig for any non-commercial project as long as you mention the author in the credit!

3. Circuit Hero Animation Rig

This Circuit Hero rig is from one of Chonlawat Thammawan senior project at school.

The character comes with his light blade thingy on both arms that you can turn on and off.

The rig also comes with a few FX rig that will help you get some pretty result from the default Maya viewport. Check the video for the rig demo!

Download free Maya Circuit Hero Animation Rig

You may use this rig for any project as long as it’s non-commercial.
Feel free to use the rig for any non-commercial project as long as you mention the author in the credit!


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