Download Unity scene of ADAM: The Mirror

Hi Guys, don’t miss this incredible Unity resource, you can download a sample project of a cinematic scene in Unity, of the incredible project ‘ADAM: The Mirror’, shorts were created and also serves as a starting point for creating your own cinematic project in Unity.

It uses the new HD Scriptable Render Pipeline, Post Processing Stack V2, Timeline, Cinemachine and includes a number of additional editor utilities, custom timeline tracks, and other useful tools that we’ve built while working on linear productions with Unity.

Once you have Unity installed, create a new Empty project, and then navigate to the asset store and import the Film Sample project. (Note: the Film Sample is a complete Unity project, which means that it should be imported into an empty project.)

Neill Blomkamp’s New Generation film: ADAM: The Mirror

ADAM: Episode 2

Oats Studios brings to life the next chapter in the Adam story, made in real-time using Unity. Join our amnesiac hero as he discovers a clue about what and who he is. Be sure to watch Episode 3 after. For more info check out:


Download Unity scene of ADAM: The Mirror

The package includes:

* basic project structure and organization, including a custom Unity editor window layout designed specifically for working on linear productions

* multi-scene loading framework base directory structures for content, scenes, timelines library of tools, timeline extensions and other goodies (check under the ‘tools’ menu)

* A sample short containing three shots from the Oats Studios short film, ADAM: The Mirror, as well as original mocap camera movements from the short animations for the 3 characters + mocap camera, as ‘generic’ rig animations

* An ‘Empty Series’ set of scenes and timelines designed to be used as the starting point for a new episodic series

to use Unity Film Sample Project. It requires any 2018.2.x version of Unity. More detail and download here!
More about Unity


This is a sample project of a cinematic scene, which uses layout tips from how projects like Adam 2: The Mirror and Baymax Dreams shorts were created and also serves as a starting point for creating your own cinematic project in Unity.

It uses the new HD Scriptable Render Pipeline, Post Processing Stack V2, Timeline, Cinemachine and includes a number of additional editor utilities, custom timeline tracks, and other useful tools that we’ve built while working on linear productions with Unity.

Once you have Unity installed, create a new Empty project, and then navigate to the asset store and import the Film Sample project. (Note: the Film Sample is a complete Unity project, which means that it should be imported into an empty project.)


* any 2018.2.x version of Unity

The package includes:

* basic project structure and organization, including a custom Unity editor window layout designed specifically for working on linear productions

* multi-scene loading framework base directory structures for: content, scenes, timelines library of tools, timeline extensions and other goodies (check under the ‘tools’ menu)

* A sample short containing three shots from the Oats Studios short film, ADAM: The Mirror, as well as original mocap camera movements from the short animations for the 3 characters + mocap camera, as ‘generic’ rig animations

* An ‘Empty Series’ set of scenes and timelines designed to be used as the starting point for a new episodic series

Please Note:

We are releasing the ADAM Characters, Animations and Environment under a custom EULA, which does not allow commercial use. This ONLY applies to the content located under the /Assets/Content/FilmSampleV1 folder, specifically the 3 characters described above, the animations and the set.

The Asset accompanying this notice is a Restricted Asset pursuant to the Unity Asset Store EULA. Only a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable license to the Asset for personal and non-commercial use is granted; no commercial use is permitted. Further, this license grant is subject to termination by Unity in its sole discretion at any time. 

If you’re interested in using Unity for film or animation, you can learn more about Unity for film here.

Check out the ADAM blog series to learn more about Oats Studios and the ADAM production.

Refer to the Readme.pdf included in the project for more information about the project.

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