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Eddy v2.0 for Nuke tutorial

Hi Guys, great tool for digital compositor working on VFX scene in Nuke.
Developed by VortechsFX, Eddy for Nuke is a plugin for simulating gaseous phenomena inside of Nuke.

How to create fluid in Nuke?

Eddy allows artists to generate new high quality fluid simulations and render them with state of the art algorithms inside of Nuke.

Eddy for Nuke

Eddy was designed to bring fluid simulations to artists and boost their creativity by leveraging all the power in the workstations and increasing productivity.

Eddy allows for the simulation of complex fires, explosions and other gaseous phenomena at interactive rates and high quality. Our sparse simulation framework is fully GPU accelerated and aims to maximize artist efficiency and feedback.

This rich and powerful simulation framework can easily be customized and made to fit a large range of requirements.

Eddy for Nuke tutorial: Simulating an explosion

Eddy for Nuke User Group

Eddy v2.0 for Nuke lighting

Caching Workflows

Eddy ships with a rich set of pre-defined Element templates that can be easily customized and tailored to fit specific tasks. This allows development of user defined nodes and customisation of simulation templates via extensive python bindings.

EddyScript provides high performance access, allowing custom development of shader and field modifiers. It features a familiar python syntax, but under the hood gets compiled and optimized to run natively on the GPU.





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