Edge to Spline Procedural Plugin – FREE

Hi guys, check Edge to Spline Procedural Plugin released by Athanasios Pozantzis.
Edge to Spline Procedural Plugin
is a free plugin for Cinema 4D, creating splines from selected edges procedurally inside Cinema 4D.

let’s try this helpful plugin, Edge to Spline Procedural Plugin released for FREE
NEW FREE Plugin for Cinema 4D is written in Python, is Open Source and allows you to create Splines from Polygon Edges, just like the “Edge to Spline” Command, but non destructively.

Download Edge to Spline Procedural Plugin

Edge to Spline Installation:

Download and Unzip the “edgeToSpline.zip” archive, and the resulting “edgeToSpline” Folder,
copy it into the Plugins Folder of Cinema 4D in the application Root Folder.
If you don’t have a plugins folder, then just make one and name it “plugins”.
Restart C4D.

You can use it commercially, or not use it at all… either way we accept NO RESPONSIBILITY for any issues you may have using this plugin, including but not limited to: procrastination, computer damage, loss of income, extensive accumulation of wealth, or bad habits. USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK… it’s Free.