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Embroidery grow effect in Cinema 4D and Redshift

Hi 3DArtist, today we are sharing this interesting tutorial about the embroidery effect in Cinema 4D and Redshift.
Embroidery or knitting grow effect is often used to create a suggestive CG animation, used in a lot of different 3d animation for products like shoes, T-shirt, etc…

How to create Embroidery effect in Cinema 4D and Redshift?

In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to create an embroidery effect in Cinema 4D with mograph effectors and fields, and making a gold star embroidery, using Redshift for the material and rendering.

The tutorial realised by Igor Sandimirov, 3d artist and motion designer, an expert in Cinema 4D, an independent CG-artist based in Russia.

Embroidery effect in Cinema 4D and Redshift

For more info check Igor Sandimirov’s Instagram, Vimeo

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