FaceTracker facial tracking for Foundry Nuke

VFX Artist good news! we are soo excited about the new release of FaceTracker tool, plugin node for Nuke that can help you with facial tracking without mocap rigs and markers.

“FaceTracker node is finally getting rid of the Release Candidate badge! It means that at this point we think it’s a stable and reliable production-ready tool, which doesn’t mean the development process stops here of course!”

FaceTracker facial tracking for Foundry Nuke


What is FaceTracker?

It’s a plugin node for Foundry Nuke that can help you with facial tracking without mocap rigs and markers. The tracking information can be later used for face replacement, retouching, adding scars, ageing and de-ageing, exporting into any other 3D software, etc — what you get is basically an animated 3D model of someone’s face.

Download FaceTracker for Nuke

The pricing model should be familiar to our old users, we have three types of licenses: Personal — $149, Commercial — $299 and Floating — $399. Also, we have a bundled option for those who want to have both FaceBuilder and FaceTracker, you can get both licenses for a reduced price.

Since the day we released the first RC version, we asked some people to test it in all possible applications, and so first we’ve got more feedback which helped us to polish it even more; then it proved it’s handiness and usefulness; and finally we’ve got some coolness to compile a demo of — the most important thing, of course! (just kidding)

So, all you need for tracking is a compatible 3D model of a person’s face. The easiest way to get it is to use FaceBuilder: you’d need several reference photos or just a single frame in the footage with a neutral facial expression if you can’t get the photos.

Tracking happens in two simple steps: you set up the initial position (aka keyframe), then press the track button and watch the face being tracked. When tracking is done you can adjust the results, re-track and refine the track — you have total control over the process for maximum preciseness.