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Forger Mobile 3D Sculpting App

Maxon announced that they’ve acquired, Forger, a digital 3D sculpting and texture painting application for all iOS devices (iPad / iPhone / iPod Touch).

Forger features an intuitive multitouch interface and a comprehensive collection of sculpting brushes and tools. Powerful remeshing algorithms, as well as masking and layering capabilities, make concept- and production-level sculpting on a mobile device a reality.

With Forge, we have the ability to import / export OBJ and Alembic file formats with ease on mobile-to-desktop workflows.

Forger creator, Javier Edo Meseguer, who cut his teeth creating visual effects and pipeline tools for award-winning VFX and production companies working on blockbuster films, commercials, and TV shows, will become a permanent part of the Maxon family.

Download Forger Mobile 3D Sculpting App 

Additional information can be found in the full press announcement below or on the Maxon website here:

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