Free 360 HDRI panorama

Hi guys, today we are sharing this free HDRI images resources shared by Locationtextures, which is an online platform providing high-quality royalty-free photo reference packs for video games and film industry. Their goal is to shoot textures from the entire location possibly at every angle.

Shooting entire locations to provide a wide variety of references including objects from every possible angle. Depends on the location we provide source photos for custom panoramas, focus stacking, and bracketing sequences HDR maps to keep the most of the quality’s photos. Perfect for 3D artists, designers, concept artists, matte painters, or 3d modelers.

HDRI Photos Quality

The HDRI are shooted with Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, EF24-70mm f/2.8L USM, EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM, and Nodal Ninja M2 Giga. Always shooting neutrally and generated both Tiff and JPEG HQ with native 7k resolution, as well as panoramas (or source photos) up to 70k.

Golden Sunset III HDRI

360 HDRI panorama of the sunset in Regent’s Park in high 30k, 15k or 4k resolution!
FREE the Resolution: 4K HDRI – Size: 20 MB

Download Sunny Clouds HDRI

Sunny Clouds HDRI

360 HDRI panorama available in ACES and sRGB colorspace
FREE the Resolution: 4K HDRI – Size: 48 MB
Download Sunny Clouds HDRI

Sunny Clouds HDRI 2

360 HDRI panorama available in ACES and sRGB colorspace
FREE the Resolution: 4K HDRI – Size: 48 MB
Download Sunny Clouds HDRI 2

Cloudy Sky HDRI

360 HDRI panorama available in ACES and sRGB colorspace
FREE the Resolution: 4K HDRI – Size: 48 MB
Download Sunny Clouds HDRI 2

Cloudy Sky HDRI 3

360 HDRI panorama available in ACES and sRGB colorspace
FREE the Resolution: 4K HDRI – Size: 48 MB
Download Sunny Clouds HDRI 2

Sunny Clouds HDRI 3

360 HDRI panorama available in ACES and sRGB colorspace
FREE the Resolution: 4K HDRI – Size: 48 MB
Download Sunny Clouds HDRI 2

License types

We offer Freelance and Studio license for commercial use

If you are looking for more Free HDR maps to use in your project, let’s check this library:

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