Free 3d head model

The 3D artists and designers community has always valued high-quality resources to enhance their work, today, we are delighted to introduce an extraordinary asset: a 3D model of a female face, complete with incredible details, available for free download. This model is poised to become a valuable tool for artists, animators, and designers in search of an exceptional starting point for their projects, released by 3D Scan Store.

A Gift for 3D Graphics Enthusiasts: The Free Female Face Model with Extraordinary Details:

3d head model download

Technical Specifications, 3D Model Details

The 3D model is available in two primary formats: ZTL (7 Subdivisions) and FBX. To use the ZTL model, you need to have ZBrush 2022 or later versions, also the 3d model is available in Blender (.blend), already mapped and ready for use. This model offers symmetrical topology and skin details that include pores and fine wrinkles with microscopic maps. The symmetry of the model makes it perfect for a wide range of projects, ensuring a solid foundation for digital art.

Included Components

The model includes a series of components to provide complete flexibility in your work. These components comprise the head, teeth, tongue, eyes, lenses, eye moisture, eyelashes, and eyebrows. They are available in FBX, ZTL, and OBJ formats, allowing for easy integration into various 3D modeling and animation programs.

Detailed Textures

To add an unprecedented level of realism, the model is equipped with high-resolution textures. These textures are available in TGA and JPG formats with impressive dimensions of 8192 x 8192 pixels. The textures include albedo, normal, displacement, roughness, and specular maps, ensuring that your work will have an incredibly detailed and realistic appearance.

Displacement Maps

The displacement maps are provided in 16-bit TIF format, with dimensions of 8192 x 8192 pixels. These maps enable the creation of surface details in a more advanced manner, adding depth and realism to the female face.

Supported Marmoset Toolbag and Blender

To make the rendering process smoother, the model is compatible with Marmoset Toolbag 4 and Blender 3.2.2. These professional rendering software options offer a full range of features to bring your project to life realistically.


It’s important to note that this model is intended exclusively for personal use. If you wish to use it for commercial purposes, we invite you to contact the developers to obtain information about the commercial license. The license terms are clear and transparent, ensuring that this model can be used in compliance with laws and copyrights.

This free resource offers an exceptional opportunity to elevate the quality of your projects and digital artworks. Download the model, explore it, and let your creativity flow without limits. And if you’re interested in commercial use, don’t hesitate to contact the developers for further information on the license. Happy modeling and rendering!

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