Free 3D scanning app RealityScan

Epic Games has released RealityScan, a free photogrammetry app that turns your smartphone photos into 3D models for use in augmented reality, in just a few clicks, you can scan and generate your 3d textured model.

The free iOS app makes high-quality photogrammetry available to anyone with a smartphone

Once generated, 3D models can be uploaded to Sketchfab, Epic’s proprietary online model sharing platform.
Epic GamesRealityCapture photogrammetry software app is currently available in limited beta via Apple’s TestFlight service.

Developed in collaboration with Epic Games subsidiary Quixel, responsible for the Megascans library of scanned 3D assets, RealityScan promises quick and easy scanning from smartphones.

System requirements and availability:
RealityScan is currently available for free in beta. Epic Games has not yet announced a final release date.

The initial beta program is limited to the first 10,000 people who sign up through Apple’s TestFlight, so you’ll need an iPad or iPhone with iOS 13+ or iPadOS 13+. An Android version will follow later this year.

>>> Sign up for access to download the beta of RealityScan