Free auto retopology with Instant Meshes

We share on 3DArt, a new approach to remodel, the retopology of a surface in a triangular or quadruple isotropic mesh using a free Instant Meshes tool released on GitHub.

The Instant Meshes algorithm produces meshes with high isotropy by aligning and snapping edges naturally to the characteristics of the mesh.

The method is simple by implementing, parallelizing, and processing a variety of representations of the input mesh surface, such as point clouds, interval scans, and triangular meshes.

In this interesting video released by SouthernGFX, he shows us how to make clean retopology using Instant Mesh.

Free retopology with Instant Meshes

Instant Meshes is a free app that automatically creates the retopology of a 3d model, just like the remesher in Zbrush.

The app’s underlying driver is based on instant-field aligned meshes by Wenzel Jakob, Marco Tarini, Daniele Panozzo, Olga Sorkine-Hornung, as seen in ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia 2015).

The complete Instant Mesh pipeline runs instantly (less than a second) on meshes with hundreds of thousands of faces, enabling new types of interactive workflows.

Since the Instant Meshes algorithm avoids any global optimization and its key steps scale linearly with the size of the input, it is capable of processing extremely large meshes and point clouds, with sizes exceeding several hundred million elements.

Download Instant Meshes


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