Free Blender Add-On for Painting


Don’t miss this new free Blender add-on, the Paint System, which takes 3D painting tools to the next level. Paint System transforms Blender into a tool similar to Photoshop. Released by 3D artist and Blender tutorial creator, Tawan Sunflower.

New Blender Add-on: The Paint System Aims to Simulate Photoshop’s Painting in 3D

The add-on is compatible with Blender 4.1 and is available for free download on Gumroad.
Download Paint System Addon

Key Features of the Paint System

  • Layer Clipping and Blend Modes: Advanced features for a more intuitive and versatile painting experience.
  • Customizable Brushes: Allow artists to easily add and switch between different drawing tools.
  • Support for Normals and Transparency: The add-on enables direct painting on normals and includes a system to manage transparent parts of objects.
  • Photoshop-Like Workflow: Users can work with layers and animatable opacity, offering greater flexibility in artistic creation.

Simulate Photoshop’s Painting in Blender

Tawan developed this tool with the goal of making 3D painting more intuitive, drawing inspiration from the painting style of the Arcane series. The add-on focuses on non-photorealistic rendering, making it easier to create works with a unique style.

Compatibility and Access

The Paint System is compatible with Blender 4.1 and available for free on Gumroad. A tutorial video guides users through the installation and use of the add-on, making the process simple even for beginners.

Tutorial Turning Blender into Photoshop

Comunity Feedback

The Blender community has warmly embraced Paint System, praising it as a “lifesaver” for artists looking for a more natural approach to 3D painting. Many users have already begun exploring its features and sharing their creations, showing excitement for the possibilities offered by the add-on.

If you’re a 2D or 3D artist looking for new tools to enhance your workflow, Paint System is definitely worth trying. Don’t miss the chance to experiment with this innovative add-on and take your creations to the next level.

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