Free Car 3D Models

The modeling of a 3d car requires a lot of perseverance and dedication, we have already shared some time ago the incredible work of the 3d models of luxury cars, made by Luis Lara of Wire Wheels Club, today we are back to share the new 3d models made ready for Free download for you.

Luis has modeled and recreated in 3D the models of the classic cars of Alfa Romeo, Porsche, Cadillac, Jaguar, Ferrari, realizing the accurate 3d model and making them free to the 3d community in .OBJ and .FBX formats.

3d Models of sports cars!

An amazing modeling masterpiece, you can download these 3d cars and use them in your scenes or print them with a 3d printer!

Luis Lara is an aeronautical engineer, freelance computer graphics artist, classic cars are his passion and with Wire Wheels Club he wanted to contribute to the 3D community, modeling and making available the download of 3D models of cars modeled by him.

1987 Porsche 959

  • 1987 Porsche 959
  • Polygons: 1.286.000
  • File Format: FBX, OBJ

1957 Jaguar XKSS

  • 1957 Jaguar XKSS
  • Polygons: 776.000
  • File Format: FBX, OBJ

1996 Ferrari 550 Maranello

  • 1996 Ferrari 550 Maranello
  • Polygons: 980.000
  • File Format: FBX, OBJ

Make a 3D modeling of a car, you must first start with the basics of 3D modeling.
You need to learn how to use 3D modeling software such as 3ds Max, Maya, Blender o CINEMA 4D. This software offers a range of tools that can assist in the creation of realistic 3D models of machines.
Once you are familiar with the software, you can start building a 3D model of your machine. There are a variety of manuals and online guides that can help guide you through the 3D modeling process.

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