We share the precious resource released by C4Dzone School.

Free workshop dedicated to Cinema 4D, photo editing and interchange between Cinema 4D and Adobe products.

C4DZone gives all its users an entirely free workshop dedicated to Cinema 4D but not only …
We know that our knowledge can not be limited to the mere use of 3D software but that it is always important to deal with other interesting topics. Some of them were treated precisely in this workshop. On the page dedicated to the event you will find, divided by topics, the intervention of each speaker.

Attended this workshop: Alberto Comper (Senior System Engeneer and Solution Digital Media Consultant of Adobe Italy) Marco Olivotto expert in color correction, Alessandro Boncio (betatester Maxon), Elisa Salgarelli and Alessandro Maniscalco (founders of C4Dzone and teachers of training at the ‘ATC Maxon of Verona), Paolo Lamanna (illustrator and digital artist).


The complete and totally free workshop  at this link. Enjoy.

WorkShop di Alberto Comper

WorkShop di Marco Olivotto

WorkShop di Alessandro Boncio


WorkShop di Elisa Salgarelli


WorkShop di Alessandro Maniscalco


WorkShop di Paolo Lamanna