Find a high and good resolution of the Earth’s map it’s very tough, online you can find just old and low-resolution textures on websites long forgotten by time, or venture into some non-indexed scientific studies website.

But now, not to worry, if do you need to produce stunning images of Earth, let’s look at this resource for 3D Artists.
This package released by VFX Assets has released a free 43,200 x 21,600px displacement map of the Earth that can be used to create detailed renders of the Earth’s surface, from space.

The Free Earth’s Displacement Map assets!

The FREE version of this asset, is Free for the resolution of 48k Earth Displacement Map 16bits with 172k sample (3D files included).

Free 48k Earth Displacement Map 16bits with 172k sample

Download Free Earth Displacement Map

(3D files with a setup UDIM workflow are included, can be used in personal projects.)

Very high-resolution 16-bit displacement map for closeups.

What you get:

  • A  sample of 16-bit 172800×86400 map cleaned and sliced by 32 tile textures 21600×21600 each. (corresponding at the udim 1022)
  • ABC model with UDIM UV mapping and 3D files with a setup UDIM workflow. ( HOUDINI, 3DSMAX )
  • Full Displacement map in 48k for your renders.
  • Full Mask RGB in 48k for your renders.


The payment version:
172k Earth Displacement Map 16 and 32 bits

Download Earth Displacement Map

(3D files with a setup UDIM workflow are included, can be used in personal projects.)

Very high-resolution 16-bit and 32-bit displacement map for closeups.

What you get:

  • A 16-bit 172800×86400 map cleaned and sliced by 32 tile textures 21600×21600 each.
  • ABC model with UDIM UV mapping and 3D files with a setup UDIM workflow. ( HOUDINI, 3DSMAX )
  • 32bits Photoshop PSB data if you want to modify the color range of the texture.
  • Mask RGB in 172k for your renders.