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Free Environment Pack for UE4

Hi 3DArtists, this is another incredible resource for Unreal Engine to download, Rural Australia Environment Pack for UE4 is Now Free!

Andrew Svanberg Hamilton in collaboration with the Unreal Engine team released a Rural Australia Environment Pack for free.

A collection of high quality, optimised, photogrammetry based content, authentically captured on location in Australia. Including a range of realistic trees to rock walls, this content pack gives you the opportunity to construct beautifully accurate representations of rural Australian country roads and remote river canyons.

All content is optimised towards standard video game specifications, with LODs, simplified shaders, and does not rely on expensive solutions or features to achieve highly realistic visuals – with the intent of being suitable for games, virtual productions, or other real-time applications. Just be careful where you step!

Log in to the unreal engine marketplace and download it for free at this link:

Download Rural Australia Environment Pack

Rural Australia Environment Pack for UE4 include:

The Author:
Andrew Svanberg Hamilton, Art Director at Embark Studios in Stockholm, Sweden, with 16 years of experience within the games industry. After half a life in his home country of Australia, Andrew moved to Europe in 2005 to pursue his dream of a career in game development.
Working at various studios over the years including Splash Damage, Grin, Starbreeze, and DICE, he’s spent much of the time as a generalist or environment artist on games such as Battlefield 3, 4, and Star Wars Battlefront where he helped drive the push into early photogrammetry in games. Andrew transitioned to Art Director for Star Wars Battlefront 2 and beyond, and is now at Embark Studios, Stockholm continuing the adventure.


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