Free Medieval Castle 3D Models Kit

Hey 3d artist don’t miss this incredible kit, today share on 3DArt this incredible resource, a complete kit of a medieval castle, released for free by Christopher Kelly shared on, the buildings are made with 3D scanned material.

Christopher used Reality Capture to build the base scans, using thousands of photos taken in Dubrovnik and surrounding regions. Many of the places Game of Thrones was filmed, even the exact structures, were the basis for these scans!

Let’s Download a Free Modular 3D Castle Model for your 3D projects.
This incredible collection of 3D structures has been designed to make medieval kingdom-building an easy and fun experience. By downloading this pack, you’ll have access to 3D castle walls, 3D castle towers, and a range of large structures to form the centerpiece of your scene.

Creating 3D medieval cities can be an incredibly time-consuming process, as these old settings are packed with intricate details. Eroded cobblestone walls, complex wooden beams, and handmade rooftop tiles are all fundamental to a realistic medieval castle.

This 3D castle bundle has been designed to meet every criteria of realism, utilizing custom photo scanned materials for unbeatable texture quality at 8K resolution. You’ll be free to choose from several variations: light bricks, brown bricks, dark bricks, and old bricks. Selecting from these materials provides a unique opportunity to strengthen your storytelling; whether your castle is a beacon of prosperity or an ominous tower of doom.

To match the grand scale of the castles featured in Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones, we ensured that this 3D castle kit provided everything you needed to produce colossal structures.

The wide selection of modular 3D medieval structures is built to seamlessly combine together in an infinite number of arrangements. Whether you need a small humble village church or a continent-leading palace, the creative potential of these free 3D castle models is endless.

These 3D models are provided in both USDZ and FBX format. Using an up-to-date USDZ importer opens the possibility of importing these 3D models with scale, naming, materials and textures all to be correctly set up with a single click. You’re only minutes away from constructing the medieval empire of your dreams.

The FBX option provides a widely compatible format that you can import into any 3D software, such as Blender, Cinema4D, 3ds Max, Houdini, and more.

Get started and download your free 3D castle models today.

What’s in the kit?

The pack has been grouped into three categories. Walls, Towers and Structures. Walls and towers include a variety of fortifications to protect or divide your kingdom, each of them designed to seamlessly fit together. Structures feature a diverse range of small humble homes, all the way to colossal palaces that dominate your medieval skyline.

Medieval Castle Kit Asset Details

  • Textured 3D Object
  • High Dynamic Range
  • HD Textures: 8192×8192
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    ✔ 100% FREE 3D Model, and no attribution required
    ✔ Compatible with all major 3D editing software and plugins
    ✔ Extended Use License (Can use it in both commercial and non-commercial projects)
    ✔ 3D Model Downloads as FBX

HD Download Format:

ZIP • 8K • 6.5 GB (FREE)
ZIP • 4K • 1.7 GB (FREE)
ZIP • 2K • 591.1 MB (FREE)
ZIP • 1K • 258.9 MB (FREE)
Download Medieval Castle Kit Free

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