Free Tropical Island Pack for Unreal Engine

Kaizen Digital Interactive has created a super realistic asset pack for Unreal Engine 5 that takes you straight to a tropical island. With trees, plants, rocks, and villages, all crafted with photogrammetry and textures up to 4K, this set is perfect for games, animations, VFX films, and even the metaverse!

Next-gen visuals that rock

Our goal is to provide you with the best visual quality possible. All assets are ultra-detailed thanks to UE5’s Nanite support, optimized to run on mid-range and high-end PCs. You can run your tropical forest even if you don’t have a super gaming computer!

Game-ready and beyond

All assets are ready to use: Nanite, collision, optimized view distances, and a super lightweight wind system that won’t slow down the game. Whether you’re developing a video game, a virtual reality project, or a scene for the metaverse, these assets work on everything from consoles to PCs.

Make your forest move in style

The pack also includes a super optimized wind system that makes trees and plants sway as if they were real, without weighing down game performance. It’s perfect for bringing your scenes to life without technical complications.

What’s in the pack?

  • 44 trees, 38 plants, 15 rocks, 8 bushes, and a ton more
  • Tropical biomes + a traditional tropical village
  • 2 ready-to-use maps: a tropical island and a village with a cinematic river
  • Textures up to 4K for insane detail
  • Customizable materials, wetness effects, and a realistic wind system

Download it for FREE!

Yes, you heard it right. You can download this pack of over 200 assets for free! If you love it and want to help the team create even more epic content, you can leave a small donation. See you on the tropical island – straight from your PC!

Free Download Tropical Island Pack Demo for Unreal Engine

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