Free Zbrush & Photoshop Crack Brushes

Hi 3D Artist, today we are sharing this Zbrush Crack alpha+Photoshop Brushes Free to download, 20 hand-sculpted crack, damage detail brushes ready to use in your project, resource shared by Mohamad Fathi on Cubebrush.

How to create crack effects and damaged parts of brick in ZBrush and Substance Painter?

In addition to the ZBrush format, these brushes are available in “abr” formats, they can be used in Photoshop and on text effects. In the package, we have Alpha and normal map which can be used in ZBrush, Substance Painter, Blender, Mud Box.

It can be used to create crack effects and damaged parts of brick, concrete, stone, and even cracks and damage to walls.

Preview (jpeg) 2k (20482048) alpha 2k (20482048) (PSD) normal map 2K (2048*2048) (PSD)  photoshop brushes (ABR)