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Fusion 9 – Delta Keyer + Clean Plate: Complete Tutorial

The delta keyer is at it’s core a colour difference keyer which Blackmagic added to Fusion 9. It is probably one of the most advanced and most customizable keyer in Fusion and it can be used together with a clean plate input. An additional clean plate generator is available as well.
When using the delta keyer, your basic workflow will follow these steps:
– Select background colour or clean plate
– Adjust pre-matte ranges (if not clean plate), erode pre-matte if it is too tight.
– Adjust matte with threshold values and clean foreground/background
– Adjust the despill settings and take care of edges in the Fringe tab.

The delta keyer is at its core a colour difference keyer which Blackmagic added to Fusion 9

I will show you in this tutorial how to use the keyer and how to fine-tune your matte and final image with all settings available in this new tool. I will also provide a little bit of background information about colour difference keyers by showing a very basic version of a colour difference keyer created purely from channel booleans and a colour corrector. (Based on the version from Steve Wright’s book: Digital Compositing for Film and Video).

Fusion 9 – Delta Keyer + Clean Plate: Complete Tutorial

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