Generate VDB clouds in Houdini

In this tutorial we learn how to generate multiple clouds in a variety of shapes and sizes, to be exported in VDB format, using SideFX Houdini. Tutorial by Mats Andersson.

How to generate VDB clouds in Houdini?


For more VDB Clouds Houdini tutorial:

How to create quick VDB clouds in Houdini and export to Cinema 4D?

Quick VDB Clouds by Entagma

In this tutorial, we will walk through how to make a basic setting, export VDBs then using Octane in Cinema 4d for rendering, finally turning 3D objects into Clouds.

00:14 – Basic Setup
09:39 – Exporting VDBs
10:06 – Rendering in Octane in Cinema 4D
11:55 – Turning 3D Objects into Clouds

Download Project File (.hipnc):

For more tutorial click here: Cloud Modeling in Houdini Tutorial