GeoTracker for Blender (Stable)

In the final main release of 2023, the KeenTools team delivers the fully featured version of GeoTracker for the professional add-on for 3D object tracking in Blender, which also includes several new and useful features. In the Nuke plug-in version, GeoTracker is now compatible with the latest version of Nuke, while Nuke nodes and GeoTracker for After Effects have undergone maintenance updates.

GeoTracker per Blender: versione stabile

After 3 months of active testing and improvements, GeoTracker for Blender is now exiting the beta phase and officially becoming a released product. Advanced object tracking based on geometry is now accessible to a wide range of VFX artists and CG enthusiasts.

GeoTracker allows users to recreate the motion of elements in video footage by tracking and placing them in 3D space. This opens up infinite possibilities for seamlessly integrating dynamic 3D effects into Blender scenes, eliminating the need for external tracking software.

Apart from being polished, the stable version gained several new remarkable features:

  • Built-in texturing allows grabbing texture from the tracked object and bake it onto its 3D model

  • Lock View option helps improve tracking accuracy by stabilising the clip in the viewport

  • Selected pins export makes it possible to get an Empty object from a particular point on the mesh with just one click

GeoTracker is now officially available and has transitioned into a paid tool, offering a free 15-day trial period upon registration.

Until the end of 2023, KeenTools is offering a 50% discount on the annual plan for both Freelancer and all early adopters.

Details on monthly and annual plans, discount coupons, along with download links, can be found on the GeoTracker for Blender page.

Latest Nuke support and other improvements.

Although version 2023.3 primarily focuses on 3D object tracking for Blender, KeenTools has also introduced several improvements to its other tools.

All of their plugins are now compatible with both Nuke 15.0 and the recently released 14.1 by Foundry.

In addition to this, the release also includes maintenance updates and improvements in GeoTracker for After Effects and the Nuke plugin.

Download GeoTracker for Blender add-on

All the updated products are available for download on

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